Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Mother of All Messes

Yesterday's WordArt, "Who Made This Mess?" was just perfect for my family and I, so I decided to make another one. We have so many messes, than one WordArt wasn't sufficient! Here's a second. The quote is from "The Cat In The Hat" movie, with Mike Myers. My 2 year old LOVES it, and we have much of it memorized. He likes it, only slightly behind Cars. I can practically quote that whole movie!

Click on the WordArt below to download, and leave a note if you like my work.

Papers by Raspberry Roads Designs - Clovis the Clown
WordArt by ME!

PS. I"m sure you all know this, but I accidentally found out how to turn my own WordArt white! In CS2, simply click Control I to make a layer the inverse color. Who knew?


  1. 出会いSNS【ふみコミュ】で楽しく遊んでみませんか?当サイトのオススメ機能を紹介しながら当サイトの魅力を大公開!!

  2. 出会い専門コミュニティ【ixim】で素敵な出会いをしませんか?楽しめる出会いを当サイトが提供します!!

  3. もし自分がワンピースの世界に登場したらって、思ったことないですか?このサイトの質問の答えから、自分ならどんな海賊になるのかを答えてくれますよ。ワンピースブームの今なら、話題づくりに持って来いのサイトですよ。やっぱり一番人気はチョッパーかな


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