

Hey all! I'm all set up on my new blog address. Really, it's just the same look as the last one. Apparently, I could have bought space from blogger, but I'm's frugal!


Friday, February 22, 2008

New WordArt for February 22, 2008

Here are my new WordArts for today, but you have to go to my new site to download them! Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blogger is Almost Full

Just to let you all know, I will be using a different web address in a few days for my WordArt site. My blogger account storage is almost full, so I'm making a switch. The new address is Very similar, just with the 2. You can still come here, I'll leave a BIG link to the new site. Sorry about the confusion. My blogger storage is at 95%, and I don't know how much longer it will hold out :)

It was sure fun transferring everything over. Yeah, real fun :)

Sleep Like A Baby

Ha! Isn't this the truth. Newborns, anyway, only sleep for a couple hours in a row. I know I need 7 to function. I just thought it was a funny quote :)

Click on the WordArt below to download, and leave me some love if you like my work!

Papers by Pineapple Plantation Designs
Papers by Me!

The Mother of All Messes

Yesterday's WordArt, "Who Made This Mess?" was just perfect for my family and I, so I decided to make another one. We have so many messes, than one WordArt wasn't sufficient! Here's a second. The quote is from "The Cat In The Hat" movie, with Mike Myers. My 2 year old LOVES it, and we have much of it memorized. He likes it, only slightly behind Cars. I can practically quote that whole movie!

Click on the WordArt below to download, and leave a note if you like my work.

Papers by Raspberry Roads Designs - Clovis the Clown
WordArt by ME!

PS. I"m sure you all know this, but I accidentally found out how to turn my own WordArt white! In CS2, simply click Control I to make a layer the inverse color. Who knew?

In The Kitchen

While looking over pictures to use for a layout, I couldn't really find the perfect "mom and kids" cooking picture. So, I decided to use my WordArt in a different way! Ha ;) I'm so funny

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.

Kit by RC Mama - Sweet Daisey's
WordArt by ME!

Decisions Shape Character

This WordArt is a request from my mom. She always finds the best quotes for me to use! Thanks so much, Mom! I hope that my decisions have shaped my character for the better!

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my WordArt.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Who Made This Mess?

Unfortunate as it may be, I will have PLENTY of opportunity to use this WordArt, as this is a saying daily in our household. With 5 kids 10 and under, I'll let you figure out why!

Click on the WordArt below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.
Kit by - Attic Box #2
Flowers by Scrapbook Sylvie (I think, sorry!!!)
WordArt by Me (I'm sure on this one :)

Old Friends

I'm so glad that I have a few of these. Friends are the best :)

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my WordArt.

We Are A Happy Family

I LOVE this quote, and am glad that most of the time, I do have a happy family.

Click on the WordArt below to download, and leave a quick note if you like my work.
Kit by Coco & Co - Chocolat Pistache
WordArt by me!
Retro By Sun & Jan
Paper Ribbons By Sun & Jan
Note Paper From Shabby Chic By Janosch Designs
Paper Tears By Szunyó
WordArt by ME!

Thanks to Dodo for sharing the fun layout! I like how the bow matches with the WordArt color. It ties the whole piece together! Fabulous :)

A Teacher

This WordArt inspiration comes from Jamili, who has a female student teacher leaving her elementary school and is still looking for the right words for her gift. Hopefully this helps.

It's funny how my WordArt evolves as I start on a new project. Initially for this quote, I had the "takes" "opens" and "touches" part bold-ed, but it gave the wrong impression :) Hope you enjoy my final product!

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you appreciate my word art.
Kit by Web Designz by Kristy - Love Actually
WordArt by Me!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


This WordArt comes from the suggestions of CraftyCropper, who's friend is expecting twin girls in a couple of months. You know, growing up, I always wanted twins. But then after I had one, I decided that it would be a lot of work to have two babies at once. Hats off to you, ladies, who are Mom to twins (or more!).

Click on the WordArt below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.

Loving Heart

I SO loved this quote, because I'm not always the best with words (ask my husband). I'm not a big talker, but that doesn't mean that I don't feel things. I thought this was just perfect :)

Click on the image below to download, and leave a note if you like me work.

"Ice Cream Dream" by Ziggle Designs over at Scrap Orchard
WordArt by me!!!

Thanks so much to Ramona for sending in her layout! Isn't it pretty! I just love Ziggle Designs! Beautiful work, Ramona!!!

Full Time Mother

This is DEFINITELY me! I so love the time that I get to spend with my kids each day. You know, when we decided to pull the kids out of regular school this past late fall, I thought that I would go insane with kid under toe all waking hours of the day. I know in the past, that summer vacation drove me INSANE!

But I must say, I've enjoyed having my children with me more than I ever thought possible. Having your kids home all summer with no direction is a TOTALLY different thing than having them at home, doing school, being productive all day. Big distinction:)

Anyway, I loved this thought, and I do feel like I have "big paydays" when my kids come and say how much they love me and like to be around me. Thanks kids! I love you guys ;)

Click on the WordArt below to download, and leave some love if you like me work.

In Your Heart Forever

I took a little bit of artistic licensing with this quote. It's supposed to be "and in your heart until the day you die", but I didn't really like that. I know that I'll hold my kids in my heart forever! I'm sure you will too!

Click on the image below to download, and leave a quick note if you enjoy my work.

From "In Bloom" Collab Kit:
Background paper - Amber Clegg
Striped paper - Michelle Coleman
Flower - Linda Gil Billdal
Staple, button - Nancie Rowe Janitz
Alpha, Frame - Silvia Romeo - Rustic Easter kit and Alpha
Font - CK Bella
Wordart by ME!

Thanks, Trina, for sharing your layout. It's absolutely wonderful! Aren't tiny babies fun!

Kit Name: A Little BabyDesigner: Sarah Belle KozulKit Available from:

WordArt by ME!!!

This layout was sent in from LJ, and is adorable. I, too, have a Joseph (he's my 4th child). Love what you did with the WordArt, and your layout! It's awesome :)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Small Packages

Yep, true again. From babies, to jewelry, to chocolate, small things do come in small packages!

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.

Papers by Ellie Lash - Love Actually
WordArt by Me!
Cute baby by my sister, Madi!

Pretty Girl Kit By: Sindiego's
WordArt by ME!

OK, this layout was sent to me two times, once by ArizonaRoseLady, who used Sindiego's kit to make the quickpage. I had just the blank quickpage up. Then, it was also sent to me by Priscilla, who put the cute picture of the adorable little girl in it. So, thank you ladies, for all of your good Scrapbooking work!
E Lash - Love Actually - heart and doodle
Majula - Spring add on - frames, paper
Flergs - Love Actually - heart chain, heart doodle line, flower
Franziska - Love Actually - ribbon
Krystal Hartley - love cluster and lace
KB - Laughter - paper
Word Art by ME!

Thanks to Anita for sending in her Layout! Isn't it wondeful. What happy smiles. Gotta love little kids :) You did a great job :)

Kiss a Sleeping Baby

I just LOVE to kiss sleeping babies! My "baby" is now 2, and not so babyish, but when he's sleeping, he still looks little. I don't pass up an opportunity to "steal" a quick kiss :)

Click on the WordArt below to download, and leave a quick note if you like my work.

Every Exit

I love this quote. We move around a lot, so we have a lot of "exits". But you know what? Each new place we go, we find new friends, new favorite places, and new and exciting experiences.

Click on the image below to download, and leave a quick note if you like my Word Art.

Papers by Shabby Princess - Sweet Serenity
WordArt by Me!


I really liked this one. As I get older, I see just how true it is :) Not that I'm old .... I'm only 32 :) Of course, I don't feel a day over 21! Funny how no matter how old we get, inside we still feel young.

Click on the image below to download, and leave me some love if you like my Word art.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I love to see kids smiling. I does always make me happy!

Click on the image below to download, and leave a note if you like my WordArt.

Buttons by Becky Smith - Coffee Ritual
Papers and Embellishments by SP and SC - Dinner Party
WordArt by Me!

WordArt by Me

Brenda Miller, SAS Designs, Jessica Dixon, Elegant Word Art, Syndee Nuckles

Thanks so much to Kris for this layout! What a great job you did :) Looks terrific :)

Little Girls

OK, I only have 1 girl, but one is enough to know that they DO have a magic all their own!

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work :)

Papers by Raspberry Roads - Baileys Room

Embellishments by Ellie Lash - Love Actually

Spring it on Kit - Tina Chambers
Promise Collection - Shabby Princess
Intricate Initial Gold Alpha - Lauren Bavin
Overlays with a Twist - Vera Lim
WordArt by ME!

Thanks to Trina for the wonderful layout! Didn't she do a fabulous job! Love the colors and the overlays. Perfect! And what a precious baby!

Tainted Love By Little Mrs Liz & Becki Kress
Extra's From
Paper Boarder - Tobias by Claudi Designs
Wordart by ME!

Thanks to Dodo for this wonderful layout! She does such great work. And, such a sweet little girl! Thanks again :)

Ellie Lash Designs - How she shines
Elegant wordart
Pink Inc Studios - Vintage frame #10

Thanks so much to Shay for sending in her layout! Isn't it cute ? I'm love the simple, yet beautiful look of it. And, such a CUTE little girl!!!
"Bubblecious" by Christy Lyle Designs over at the Sweet Shoppe
WordArt by ME!

Thanks to Ramona for this layout! Isn't it cute!!! Love how you recolored the photo, and always love black and white! Great contrast with all the pink and girly stuff! Aweomse!!!

April Showers Collab kit - Color Line Designs designers

May Color Challenge kit - BooLand Designs

Tiara - by Digikeepsakes

Thanks so much to Thersa for sending in this layout! Love what you did with the WordArt. I love taking other peoples elements, and combining it with WordArt to make a new and AWESOME element with it! Wonderful job :)