I took a little bit of artistic licensing with this quote. It's supposed to be "and in your heart until the day you die", but I didn't really like that. I know that I'll hold my kids in my heart forever! I'm sure you will too!
Click on the image below to download, and leave a quick note if you enjoy my work.

Click on the image below to download, and leave a quick note if you enjoy my work.

From "In Bloom" Collab Kit:
Background paper - Amber Clegg
Striped paper - Michelle Coleman
Flower - Linda Gil Billdal
Staple, button - Nancie Rowe Janitz
Alpha, Frame - Silvia Romeo - Rustic Easter kit and Alpha
Font - CK Bella
Wordart by ME!
From "In Bloom" Collab Kit:
Background paper - Amber Clegg
Striped paper - Michelle Coleman
Flower - Linda Gil Billdal
Staple, button - Nancie Rowe Janitz
Alpha, Frame - Silvia Romeo - Rustic Easter kit and Alpha
Font - CK Bella
Wordart by ME!
Thanks, Trina, for sharing your layout. It's absolutely wonderful! Aren't tiny babies fun!
Kit Name: A Little BabyDesigner: Sarah Belle KozulKit Available from: http://myscrappinevolution.blogspot.com/
WordArt by ME!!!
This layout was sent in from LJ, and is adorable. I, too, have a Joseph (he's my 4th child). Love what you did with the WordArt, and your layout! It's awesome :)
I love all your work - thank you for the beautiful quotes - they add so much to scrapbook pages and are beautiful expressions of love and encouragement. I just finished a page two days ago and I wish I had found your site then! I think I'll change the page to use your word art before I print it. Thank you!
Great Word Art. I'm adding you to my RSS feeds. Thanks.
I love how you changed the end, it's better that way :) thanks! :)
this is so true! thanks. I'm making a scrapbook for a friend who's baby died last summer & this is perfect for it.
My daughter just had her first baby this past weekend (my first grandchild!!!). This will speak to her heart!!
This is beautiful! I have a 5yo "baby" and a 15 month old as well. Thank you so much!
Thanks so much. I love this quote.
This wordart is perfect. Though I carried my sweet angel for only 33 weeks I was blessed to carry him in my arms for 3 1/2 years. Seth will be in my heart forever more.
Thank you,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful art.
your work is just GREAT - you are amazing that you are married, have 5 children, create such GREAT word art, and blog....and on and on ....thank you -- I will be using your word art today!! have a great day!
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