Click on the WordArt below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.

Kit by - Attic Box #2
Flowers by Scrapbook Sylvie (I think, sorry!!!)
WordArt by Me (I'm sure on this one :)
Flowers by Scrapbook Sylvie (I think, sorry!!!)
WordArt by Me (I'm sure on this one :)
Love this one too! Thanks again! :)
Thanks so much just found your blog & snagged all the goodies. Thanks so much!
Gee, I better go and take a pic of my kitchen....Oh wait no hurry it always looks a mess! That's what teenagers create. Thanks for the wordart again.
Love it - Thanks again
I just found your blog and spent a very enjoyable time downloading all your amazing word-art. I'm a sucker for a good quote and they figure primarily in my scrapbooking style. Thank you for all your hard work. I can't wait to see what's next!! PS Thanks for the info on K12...I can't wait to learn more!
The kids who frequent this house don't actually live here, I'm the youngest resident here. I could sure use this to scrap pictures of my room! hahaha :) thank you!
Very cool...Thank you
I am unable to download this word art but would REALLY love to have it! Please make it available again!!
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